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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.


호랑나비 [yellow swallowtail butterfly] 호랑나비 / Papilio xuthus Linnaeus, 1767 / yellow swallowtail butterfly 2024. 2. 4.
금빛겨울가지나방 금빛겨울가지나방 / Nyssiodes lefuarius (Erschoff) 2023. 6. 10.
뿔나비 [Nettle-tree Butterfly] 뿔나비 / Libythea celtis / Nettle-tree Butterfly 2023. 5. 30.
애기세줄나비 애기세줄나비 / Neptis sappho (Pallas, 1771) 2022. 11. 23.
푸른부전나비 [Holly blue] 푸른부전나비 / Celastrina argiolus (Linnaeus, 1758) / Holly blue 2022. 11. 23.
파리매 파리매 / Promachus yesonicus (Bigot, 1887) 2022. 11. 23.
남방노랑나비 [common grass yellow] 남방노랑나비 / Eurema hecabe (Linnaeus, 1758) / common grass yellow 2022. 11. 23.
왕소등에 왕소등에 / Tabanus chrysurus Loew, 1858 2022. 7. 25.
먹띠대모벌 먹띠대모벌 / Priocnemis irritabilis Smith, 1873 2022. 7. 25.
갈색날개매미충 갈색날개매미충 성충과 약충 / Ricania shantungensis Chou & Lu, 1977 2022. 7. 25.
큰흰줄표범나비 [silver washed] 큰흰줄표범나비 / Argyronome ruslana Motschulsky, 1886 / silver washed 2022. 7. 11.
좀집게벌레 / Anechura japonica (Bormans, 1880) 좀집게벌레 / Anechura japonica (Bormans, 1880) 2022. 7. 11.
모가슴소똥풍뎅이 모가슴소똥풍뎅이 ♀ / Onthophagus fodiens Waterhouse, 1875 2022. 7. 11.
뒤흰띠알락나방 [White-Hind-Winged Zygaenid] 뒤흰띠알락나방 / Neochalcosia remota (Walker) / White-Hind-Winged Zygaenid 2022. 7. 7.
참모시밑들이 참모시밑들이 / Panorpodes komaensis Okamoto, 1925 2022. 7. 5.