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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.

Aves korea3915

산솔새 [Eastern Crowned Warbler] 산솔새 / Phylloscopus coronatus / Eastern Crowned Warbler 2023. 7. 31.
촉새 [Black-faced Bunting] 촉새 / Emberiza spodocephala spodocephala / Black-faced Bunting 2023. 7. 31.
왕새매 [Grey-faced Buzzard] 왕새매 / Butastur indicus / Grey-faced Buzzard 2023. 7. 31.
민댕기물떼새 [Grey-headed Lapwing] 민댕기물떼새 / Vanellus cinereus / Grey-headed Lapwing 2023. 7. 31.
새매 [Eurasian Sparrowhawk] 새매 / Accipiter nisus nisosimilis / Eurasian Sparrowhawk 2023. 7. 31.
2023.04.28_Birding 2023.04.28. 어청도. 새매, 민댕기물떼새, 왕새매, 촉새, 참새, 산솔새, 왜가리, 검은이마직박구리, 찌르레기, 흰배지빠귀, 유리딱새, 개똥지빠귀, 밀화부리, 힝둥새, 쇠붉은뺨멧새, 쇠유리새, 밭종다리, 노랑눈썹멧새, 검은딱새, 되지빠귀, 붉은배새매, 숲새, 호랑지빠귀, 민물가마우지, 매, 흰배멧새, 큰유리새, 솔새사촌, 붉은배지빠귀, 재갈매기, 괭이갈매기, 황로, 흰날개해오라기, 개미잡이, 되새, 휘파람새, 되솔새, 해오라기. 38종 기록 2023년 총 186종 기록 2023. 7. 31.
연노랑눈썹솔새 [Hume's Leaf Warbler] 연노랑눈썹솔새 / Phylloscopus humei mandellii / Hume's Leaf Warbler ??? 2023. 7. 24.
동박새 [Warbling White-eye] 동박새 / Zosterops japonicus japonicus / Warbling White-eye 2023. 7. 24.
흰눈썹황금새 [Yellow-rumped Flycatcher] 흰눈썹황금새 / Ficedula zanthopygia / Yellow-rumped Flycatcher 2023. 7. 23.
솔새사촌 [Dusky Warbler] 솔새사촌 / Phylloscopus fuscatus fuscatus / Dusky Warbler 2023. 7. 23.
밀화부리 [Chinese Grosbeak] 밀화부리 / Eophona migratoria migratoria / Chinese Grosbeak 2023. 7. 23.
장다리물떼새 [Black-winged Stilt] 장다리물떼새 / Himantopus himantopus / Black-winged Stilt 2023. 7. 23.
바다직박구리 [Blue Rock Thrush] 바다직박구리 / Monticola solitarius philippensis / Blue Rock Thrush 2023. 7. 23.
쇠유리새 [Siberian Blue Robin] 쇠유리새 / Larvivora cyane cyane / Siberian Blue Robin 2023. 7. 23.
황금새 [Narcissus Flycatcher] 황금새 / Ficedula narcissina / Narcissus Flycatcher 2023. 7. 23.