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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.

overseas country Aves908

Red-shouldered Hawk. 2015.02.14 Red-shouldered Hawk / Buteo lineatus extimus 2015.02.14. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 31.
Turkey Vulture. 2015.02.14 Turkey Vulture / Cathartes aura septentrionalis 2015.02.14. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 31.
Brown Pelican. 2015.02.14 Brown Pelican / Pelecanus occidentalis carolinensis 2015.02.14. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 31.
Willet. 2015.02.14 Willet / Tringa semipalmata semipalmata 2015.02.14. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 31.
Royal Tern. 2015.02.14 Royal Tern / Thalasseus maximus 2015.02.14. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 31.
Ruddy Turnstone. 2015.02.14 Ruddy Turnstone / Arenaria interpres interpres / 꼬까도요 2015.02.14. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 31.
Laughing Gull. 2015.02.14 Laughing Gull / Leucophaeus atricilla megalopterus 2015.02.14. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 31.
American Herring Gull. 2015.02.14 American Herring Gull / Larus smithsonianus 2015.02.14. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 31.
Ring-billed Gull. 2015.02.14 Ring-billed Gull / Larus delawarensis 2015.02.14. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 31.
Mourning Dove. 2015.02.13 Mourning Dove / Zenaida macroura carolinensis 2015.02.13. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 18.
Yellow-rumped warbler. 2015.02.13 Yellow-rumped warbler / Setophaga coronata 2015.02.13. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 18.
흰점찌르레기 [Common Starling]. 2015.02.13 흰점찌르레기 / Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris / Common Starling 2015.02.13. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 18.
Northern Mockingbird. 2015.02.13 Northern Mockingbird / Mimus polyglottos polyglottos 2015.02.13. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 18.
Boat-tailed Grackle. 2015.02.13 Boat-tailed Grackle / Quiscalus major westoni 2015.02.13. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 18.
Laughing Gull. 2015.02.13 Laughing Gull / Leucophaeus atricilla megalopterus 2015.02.13. Florida Daytona Beach 2021. 8. 18.