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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.

Aves korea/2020_KOR381

좀도요 [Red-necked Stint] 좀도요 / Calidris ruficollis / Red-necked Stint 2020. 6. 22.
메추라기도요 [Sharp-tailed Sandpiper] 메추라기도요 / Calidris acuminata / Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 2020. 6. 22.
흰물떼새 [Kentish Plover] 흰물떼새 / Charadrius alexandrinus nihonensis / Kentish Plover 2020. 6. 22.
개개비사촌 [Zitting Cisticola] 개개비사촌 / Cisticola juncidis brunniceps / Zitting Cisticola 2020. 6. 22.
검은머리물떼새 [Eurasian Oystercatcher] 검은머리물떼새 / Haematopus ostralegus osculans / Eurasian Oystercatcher 2020. 6. 22.
쇠제비갈매기 [Little Tern] 쇠제비갈매기 / Sternula albifrons sinensis / Little Tern 2020. 6. 22.
장다리물떼새 [Black-winged Stilt] 장다리물떼새 / Himantopus himantopus / Black-winged Stilt 2020. 6. 22.
붉은발도요 [Common Redshank] 붉은발도요 / Tringa totanus ussuriensis / Common Redshank 2020. 6. 22.
저어새 [Black-faced Spoonbill] 저어새 / Platalea minor / Black-faced Spoonbill 2020. 6. 22.
개개비사촌 [Zitting Cisticola] 개개비사촌 / Cisticola juncidis brunniceps / Zitting Cisticola 2020. 6. 22.
개개비 [Oriental Reed Warbler] 개개비 / Acrocephalus orientalis / Oriental Reed Warbler 2020. 6. 22.
쇠물닭 [Common Moorhen] 쇠물닭 / Gallinula chloropus chloropus / Common Moorhen 2020. 6. 22.
붉은부리찌르레기 [Red-billed Starling] 붉은부리찌르레기 / Spodiopsar sericeus / Red-billed Starling 2020. 6. 16.
방울새 [Grey-capped Greenfinch] 방울새 / Chloris sinica ussuriensis / Grey-capped Greenfinch 2020. 6. 16.
원앙 [Mandarin Duck] 원앙 / Aix galericulata / Mandarin Duck 2020. 6. 16.