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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.

Aves korea/2020_KOR381

노랑때까치 [Brown Shrike] 노랑때까치 / Lanius cristatus lucionensis / Brown Shrike 2020. 6. 9.
쇠부리도요 [Little Curlew] 쇠부리도요 / Numenius minutus / Little Curlew 2020년 총 188종 기록 2020. 6. 3.
꼬마물떼새 [Little Ringed Plover] 꼬마물떼새 / Charadrius dubius curonicus / Little Ringed Plover 2020. 5. 27.
알락도요 [Wood Sandpiper] 알락도요 / Tringa glareola / Wood Sandpiper 2020. 5. 27.
솔새사촌 [Dusky Warbler] 솔새사촌 / Phylloscopus fuscatus fuscatus / Dusky Warbler 2020. 5. 27.
흰배지빠귀 [Pale Thrush] 흰배지빠귀 / Turdus pallidus / Pale Thrush 2020. 5. 27.
되지빠귀 [Grey-backed Thrush] 되지빠귀 / Turdus hortulorum / Grey-backed Thrush 2020. 5. 16.
검은지빠귀 [Japanese Thrush] 검은지빠귀 / Turdus cardis / Japanese Thrush 2020. 5. 15.
검은딱새 [Stejneger's Stonechat] 검은딱새 / Saxicola stejnegeri / Stejneger's Stonechat 2020. 5. 15.
진홍가슴 [Siberian Rubythroat] 진홍가슴 / Calliope calliope calliope / Siberian Rubythroat 2020. 5. 15.
대륙검은지빠귀 [Chinese Blackbird] 대륙검은지빠귀 / Turdus mandarinus mandarinus / Chinese Blackbird 2020. 5. 15.
쇠종다리 [Mongolian Short-toed Lark] 쇠종다리 / Calandrella dukhunensis / Mongolian Short-toed Lark(Sykes's Short-toed Lark) 2020. 5. 15.
쇠유리새 [Siberian Blue Robin] 쇠유리새 / Larvivora cyane cyane / Siberian Blue Robin 2020. 5. 15.
쇠붉은뺨멧새 [Little Bunting] 쇠붉은뺨멧새 / Emberiza pusilla / Little Bunting 2020. 5. 15.
흰눈썹붉은배지빠귀 [Eyebrowed Thrush] 흰눈썹붉은배지빠귀 / Turdus obscurus / Eyebrowed Thrush 2020. 5. 13.