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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.
Aves korea/2023_KOR_Birding


by 그새 _ 심헌섭 2023. 9. 14.

Siberian Blue Robin [쇠유리새]
Siberian Rubythroat [진홍가슴]
Narcissus Flycatcher [황금새]
Olive-backed Pipit [힝둥새]
Blue-and-white Flycatcher [큰유리새]
Grey-backed Thrush [되지빠귀]
Pale Thrush [흰배지빠귀]
Red-necked Stint [좀도요]
Little Egret [쇠백로] / Chinese Egret [노랑부리백로]
Eastern Cattle Egret [황로]
Black-tailed Gull [괭이갈매기]
White Wagtail [알락할미새(검은턱할미새)]
Chinese Pond Heron [흰날개해오라기]
Wood Sandpiper [알락도요]
Common Sandpiper [깝작도요]
Chinese Grosbeak [밀화부리]
Common Rosefinch [붉은양진이]
Black-faced Bunting [촉새]
Eurasian Wryneck  [개미잡이]
Yellow-browed Bunting [노랑눈썹멧새]
Brown-headed Thrush [붉은배지빠귀]
Masked Bunting [섬촉새]
Common Snipe [꺅도요]
Chinese Sparrowhawk [붉은배새매]
Dusky Thrush [개똥지빠귀]
Blue Rock Thrush [바다직박구리]
Tristram's Bunting [흰배멧새]
Taiga Flycatcher [흰꼬리딱새]
Yellow-browed Warbler [노랑눈썹솔새]
Warbling White-eye [동박새]
Peregrine Falcon [매]
Eastern Yellow Wagtail [긴발톱할미새]
Amur Stonechat [검은딱새]
Asian Brown Flycatcher [쇠솔딱새]


2023.04.29. 어청도.

쇠유리새, 진홍가슴, 황금새, 힝둥새, 큰유리새, 되지빠귀, 흰배지빠귀, 좀도요, 쇠백로, 노랑부리백로, 황로, 괭이갈매기, 알락할미새(검은턱할미새), 흰날개해오라기, 알락도요, 깝작도요, 밀화부리, 붉은양진이, 촉새, 개미잡이, 노랑눈썹멧새, 붉은배지빠귀, 섬촉새, 꺅도요, 붉은배새매, 개똥지빠귀, 바다직박구리, 흰배멧새, 흰꼬리딱새, 노랑눈썹솔새, 동박새, 매, 긴발톱할미새, 검은딱새, 쇠솔딱새.

35종 기록


2023년 총 191종 기록

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