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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.
overseas country Aves/2019 Sri Lanka

집까마귀 [House Crow]

by 그새 _ 심헌섭 2019. 4. 27.

2019.03.30. 스리랑카 네곰보 해변과 숙소 근처

집까마귀 / Corvus splendens protegatus / House Crow

'overseas country Aves > 2019 Sri Lanka' 카테고리의 다른 글

Common Tailorbird  (0) 2019.04.28
Brown-headed Barbet  (0) 2019.04.28
White-throated Kingfisher  (0) 2019.04.28
검은뻐꾸기 [Asian Koel]  (0) 2019.04.27
Indian Robin  (0) 2019.04.27
