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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.
Aves korea/2022_KOR_Birding


by 그새 _ 심헌섭 2023. 1. 2.

쇠기러기. Greater White-fronted Goose
붉은뺨멧새. Chestnut-eared Bunting
쇠검은머리쑥새. Japanese Reed Bunting
논병아리. Little Grebe
말똥가리. Eastern Buzzard
황조롱이. Common Kestrel
까치. Oriental Magpie
종다리. Eurasian Skylark
찌르레기. White-cheeked Starling
흑두루미. Hooded Crane
흰꼬리수리. White-tailed Eagle
물까치. Azure-winged Magpie
청딱다구리. Grey-headed Woodpecker
오색딱다구리. Great Spotted Woodpecker
쑥새. Rustic Bunting
큰기러기. Tundra Bean Goose
큰부리까마귀. Large-billed Crow
북방검은머리쑥새. Pallas's Reed Bunting

2022.11.19. 인천 강화 교동도.

쇠기러기, 붉은뺨멧새, 쇠검은머리쑥새, 논병아리, 말똥가리, 황조롱이, 까치, 종다리, 찌르레기, 흑두루미, 흰꼬리수리, 물까치, 청딱다구리, 오색딱다구리, 쑥새, 큰기러기, 큰부리까마귀, 북방검은머리쑥새

18종 기록


2022년 총 228종 기록

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