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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.
Aves korea/2023_KOR_Birding


by 그새 _ 심헌섭 2024. 2. 2.

Intermediate Egret [중백로]
Pin-tailed Snipe [바늘꼬리도요]
Eastern Cattle Egret [황로]
Barn Swallow [제비]
Red-rumped Swallow [귀제비]
Chinese Pond Heron [흰날개해오라기]
Common Pheasant [꿩]
Far Eastern Curlew [알락꼬리마도요]
Little Egret [쇠백로]
Great Egret [중대백로]  / Eastern Cattle Egret [황로]
Garganey [발구지]
Common Greenshank [청다리도요]
Common Sandpiper [깝작도요]
Black-faced Spoonbill [저어새]
Green Sandpiper [삑삑도요]
White-breasted Waterhen [흰배뜸부기]
Black-winged Stilt [장다리물떼새]
Sand Martin [갈색제비] /  Barn Swallow [제비]
Eastern Spot-billed Duck [흰뺨검둥오리]

2023.08.26. 파주.

중백로, 바늘꼬리도요, 황로, 제비, 귀제비, 흰날개해오라기, 꿩, 알락꼬리마도요, 쇠백로, 중대백로, 발구지, 청다리도요, 깝작도요, 저어새, 삑삑도요, 흰배뜸부기, 갈색제비, 흰뺨검둥오리



2023년 총 233종 기록

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