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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.

Aves korea/2021_KOR644

갈색제비 [Sand Martin] 갈색제비 / Riparia riparia ijimae / Sand Martin 2021. 9. 12.
갈색제비 [Sand Martin] 갈색제비 / Riparia riparia ijimae / Sand Martin 2021. 9. 12.
갈색제비 [Sand Martin] 갈색제비 / Riparia riparia ijimae / Sand Martin 2021. 9. 12.
갈색제비 [Sand Martin] 갈색제비 / Riparia riparia ijimae / Sand Martin 2021. 9. 12.
귀제비 [Red-rumped Swallow] 귀제비 / Cecropis daurica japonica / Red-rumped Swallow 전깃줄에서 일광욕 즐기기... 2021. 9. 12.
노랑부리백로 [Chinese Egret] 노랑부리백로 / Egretta eulophotes / Chinese Egret 어린새, 멸종위기야생생물 Ⅰ급, 천연기념물 제361호 2021. 9. 1.
황조롱이 [Common Kestrel] 황조롱이 / Falco tinnunculus perpallidus / Common Kestrel 2021. 9. 1.
꾀꼬리 [Black-naped Oriole] 꾀꼬리 / Oriolus chinensis diffusus / Black-naped Oriole 2021. 9. 1.
붉은어깨도요 [Great Knot] 붉은어깨도요 / Calidris tenuirostris / Great Knot 2021. 8. 26.
중부리도요 [Eurasian Whimbrel] 중부리도요 / Numenius phaeopus variegatus / Eurasian Whimbrel 2021. 8. 26.
붉은어깨도요 [Great Knot] 붉은어깨도요 / Calidris tenuirostris / Great Knot 2021. 8. 26.
붉은어깨도요 [Great Knot] 붉은어깨도요 / Calidris tenuirostris / Great Knot 2021. 8. 26.
좀도요 [ Red-necked Stint] 좀도요 / Calidris ruficollis / Red-necked Stint 2021. 8. 26.
붉은어깨도요 [Great Knot] 붉은어깨도요 / Calidris tenuirostris / Great Knot 2021. 8. 26.
세가락도요 [Sanderling] 세가락도요 / Calidris alba alba / Sanderling 2021. 8. 26.