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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.

overseas country Aves/2019.04 Sri Lanka84

Spotted Dove 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 네팔, 보르네오에 이어 다른 아종을 만나다. Spotted Dove / Spilopelia chinensis ceylonensis 2019. 5. 31.
Red-wattled Lapwing 2 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 Red-wattled Lapwing / Vanellus indicus lankae 2019. 5. 31.
White-bellied Sea Eagle 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 White-bellied Sea Eagle / Haliaeetus leucogaster 2019. 5. 31.
Black-hooded Oriole 2 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 남쪽에서 다시 만나다. Black-hooded Oriole / Oriolus xanthornus ceylonensis 2019. 5. 31.
Rock Dove 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 Rock Dove / Columba livia intermedia 2019. 5. 31.
Blue-tailed bee-eater 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 Blue-tailed bee-eater / Merops philippinus 2019. 5. 31.
Barred Buttonquail 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 사진은 엉망이지만 기록차원에서 Barred Buttonquail / Turnix suscitator leggei 2019. 5. 31.
Jungle Prinia 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 Jungle Prinia / Prinia sylvatica valida 2019. 5. 30.
Changeable Hawk-Eagle 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 Changeable Hawk-Eagle / Nisaetus cirrhatus ceylanensis 2019. 5. 30.
덤불개개비 [Blyth's Reed Warbler] 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 덤불개개비 / Acrocephalus dumetorum / Blyth's Reed Warbler 2019. 5. 30.
Spot-billed Pelican 2 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 Spot-billed Pelican / Pelecanus philippensis 2019. 5. 30.
Eurasian Spoonbill [노랑부리저어새] 2019.0403. 스리랑카 노랑부리저어새 Eurasian Spoonbill / Platalea leucorodia 2019. 5. 30.
Common Iora 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 Common Iora / Aegithina tiphia multicolor 2019. 5. 29.
Ashy-crowned Sparrow-Lark 2019.04.03. 스라랑카 Ashy-crowned Sparrow-Lark / Eremopterix griseus 2019. 5. 29.
Red-vented bulbul 2019.04.03. 스리랑카 Red-vented Bulbul / Pycnonotus cafer haemorrhousus 2019. 5. 29.