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  • I see birds on Earth, centering on Gangneung City and the coast of the East Sea of Korea.

Aves korea/2022_KOR520

장다리물떼새 [Black-winged Stilt] 장다리물떼새 / Himantopus himantopus / Black-winged Stilt 2022. 4. 29.
알락꼬리마도요 [Far Eastern Curlew] 알락꼬리마도요 / Numenius madagascariensis / Far Eastern Curlew 2022. 4. 29.
쇠오리 [Eurasian Teal] 쇠오리 / Anas crecca / Eurasian Teal 2022. 4. 29.
청머리오리 [Falcated Duck] 청머리오리 / Mareca falcata / Falcated Duck 2022. 4. 29.
검은딱새 [Amur Stonechat] 검은딱새 / Saxicola stejnegeri / Amur Stonechat 2022. 4. 29.
오목눈이 [Long-tailed Tit] 오목눈이 / Aegithalos caudatus magnus / Long-tailed Tit 2022. 4. 29.
민물가마우지 [Great Cormorant] 민물가마우지 / Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis / Great Cormorant 2022. 4. 29.
붉은어깨도요 [Great Knot] 붉은어깨도요 / Calidris tenuirostris / Great Knot 2022. 4. 19.
큰회색머리아비 [Black-throated Loon] 큰회색머리아비 / Gavia arctica viridigularis / Black-throated Loon 2022. 4. 12.
솔개 [Black Kite] 솔개 / Milvus migrans lineatus / Black Kite 2022. 4. 11.
검은이마직박구리 [Light-vented Bulbul] 검은이마직박구리 / Pycnonotus sinensis sinensis / Light-vented Bulbul 2022. 4. 11.
검은가슴물떼새 [Pacific Golden Plover] 검은가슴물떼새 / Pluvialis fulva / Pacific Golden Plover 2022. 4. 9.
청머리오리 [Falcated Duck] 청머리오리 / Mareca falcata / Falcated Duck 2022. 4. 9.
밭종다리 [Buff-bellied Pipit] 밭종다리 / Anthus rubescens japonicus / Buff-bellied Pipit 2022. 4. 9.
도요·물떼새 (장다리물떼새, 학도요, 쇠청다리도요) 장다리물떼새 / Himantopus himantopus / Black-winged Stilt 학도요 / Tringa erythropus / Spotted Redshank 쇠청다리도요 / Tringa stagnatilis / Marsh Sandpiper 2022. 4. 9.